The Legacies Pilot Review

The Legacies, the spin-off to the Vampire Diaries spin-off, priemered on Thursday, the story of a teenage Hope Mikealson, the tribrid offspring of a vampire and a werewolf at the magic school in

Landon Kirby and Rafeal Whaithe are two foster brothers living with a highly religous foster parents when Rapheal is subjected to an excorcism. Saved at the last minute by a mysterious girl

One of the underrated elements of this show is that it could have taken place within the same time period as Vampire Diaries. There’s no reference to social media, no trump jokes and no real defining trends, in fact the one pop-culture reference I caught was to Twilight and Harry Potter.

The Salvatore school was beautifully set up, with the Vampire Diaries mythology to back  up  things such as magical chemistry and history it does genuinely feel like a CW version of Hogwarts.

The actors themselves were all fine, Hope Mikealson played a great substitue for Elena, Landon was interesting and  Alaric is the perfect link between the two worlds. The girl playing Lizzie Saltzman feels like the biggest weak link in the pilot- although maybe it was the distracting wig.

The party scene at the end of the episode is a direct call back to the party in the woods at the end of the pilot for Vampire Diaries. Drunk magical teens being fun, drunk and magical, Legacies proves that even magic can’t help with a broken heart.

The Legacies is an slick, stylish story that feels true to it’s two predecessors however is there still an audience out there that cares?

Personally I loved it, it was the perfect set up to the world for new viewers and had enough Easter Eggs to satisfy viewers of the original (lol) viewers. However will new viewers care?

The most popular teen shows at the moment are Riverdale, 13 Reasons Why and a variety of superhero shows, Vampires are a thing of the past I mean most current teenagers were 7/8/9 when there was the vampire boom was the biggest thing on the planet.

I wish there’d been more of the Kevin Williamson snappy dialogue or some of the violence from the first season of it’s original show. When Vampire Diaries came out it was the better looking, sexier, more violent  version of it’s wildly popular counterpart Twilight. Legacies really doesn’t have any contemporaries to draw from, except maybe the extended Harry Potter universe. Actually Legacies could have benefitted from a twelve month delay and poked fun at the slew of supernatural shows that have priemered this month.

I’d give Legacies a middle of the road opening, it’s charming but unless it gives us a reason to tune in (despite creepy Landon) then there might be just a finite amount of episode. There’s at least one season to this show but unless it steps up its game I worry that there’s nothing else to this show.

The Originals is ending in it’s fifth season

The Originals wrap up in it’s fifth and final season in a statement confirmed through Julie Pec’s twitter today. The Vampire Diaires spin off show about the Mikaelson family as they fought werewolves, witches and sire lines in New Orleans.

Preimering in 2013, the show regularly crossed over with The Vampire Diaires as many fans ‘shipped’ Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes together it’s been theorised that her cameo in the season five priemere will be the start of fully-fledged relationship between the two.

The end of The Originals does also signify the end of vampire TV from that weird period of time when everyone on our screen had fangs 

So are you sad to see the show go or is it time for something new for the CW


The Originals ‘Gather up the Killers’ Review

Fresh off the heels of the Vampire Diaries finale The Originals returned for its fourth season.

Only it’s five years later, the Mikealsons are nothing more than a celebratory holiday. It’s an interesting choice, especially after the end of TVD as we know that Klaus becomes a major investor in Caroline’s school.

Meanwhile Marcel is basically the King of the Quarter once again, a steady deal with Vincent and the Witches meaning that once again there is peace in New Orleans.

At the moment Klaus is confined to a basement and as we know it Klaus has been there for the past five years.

~I’m predicting pissoffness~

At the same time, Hayley has been raising Hope in a farm somewhere outside of town. I think season 4’s boldest moves will center around the youngest of the Original clan although at the moment I understand why she’s sidelined. Hayley begins to piece together a Mikaelsons

But Hayley leaves Hope in the safety of her sort of grandma as begins to piece together a Mikaelson cure and goes forth finding the blood of all seven packs.

Marcel is dealing with ‘euro-trash’ vampires coming to the quarter to celebrate the demise of Klaus. Including Alastair who also happens to be sending a few men over to get Hayley and in the words of Vivian Ward…

“Big mistakes…huge.”

As Hayley destroys them, Klaus finds himself in the ring with his old enemy destroying him before his threat began.

Elijah and Freya are awakened as Klaus is put back under Marcel’s control. Things are very up in the air for Mikaelson family at the moment it’s interesting to see where they go…

The Originals is in weird territory, with no reliable main show lead in season four could now be the show’s final season or be it’s Angel season and we could get something different but equally as goo out of it.

The Originals explains THAT shocking character return…


With only a week to go before The Originals returns to the screen, we’ve been treated to an epic new trailer which you can watch here:


Set five years after season three Hayley looks to be resurrecting the Mikaelson family from their hallucination prison? (I may need to rewatch)

But one of the most shocking things about The Originals trailer is the appearance of Cami, the cute blonde grad student turned Klaus special friend.  She was a divisive character among fans so seeing her pop up in the trailer was definitely shocking.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly Showrunner Michael Narducci said,

“It’s pretty clear that Cami was someone who had a massive impact on the entire show and our entire cast of characters but in particular, Klaus, I am positive that the words that she shared with him before she died were echoing in his mind as he went through that trial, as he was stabbed by Marcel, and while he has been tormented and incarcerated for the past five years.”

I mean death never really happened in the Vampire Diaries world so maybe she’s being resurrected, who knows?

10 of our fave Vampire Diaries villains

Seven seasons, over a hundred episodes and thousands of dead bodies Vampire Diaries is ready to go out in style. TVD was a show with so many baddies it’s hard to pick our faves but we’ve whittled it down to our top ten favourite bad boys and girls (excluding the Salvatore Bros)

Logan Fell


Who: Douchey McGoodhair

You remember Logan Fell right? News reporter Logan Fell. No? Aunt Jenna’s douchey ex Logan Fell. Yup that fella. Fell is our pick for the initial villainous human element back in season one when humans were something of a threat to vampires. Fell had the one-liners and almost killed Elena and Caroline, he was the perfect starter villain for the Mystic Falls gang and he brought up the idea of the Gilbert watch.

Evilness rating: 3/10


Isobel Flemming


Who: Mystic Fall’s answer to a Jerry Springer show

Elena’s adoption was a season one plot twist that looks relatively tame in comparison to the later seasons. But Isobel Flemming quickly became the link between all the characters, Elena’s biological mother, Alaric’s ex-wife and turned by Damon Isobel seemed to have a link to everyone in Mystic Falls. Although a ‘selfish bitch’ as Alaric called her a lot of Isobel’s motivations came from a fairly decent place.

Evilness rating: 4/10



Who: Supernatural Gone Girl

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! Qetsiyah’s all powerful Traveller magic created the cure for vampirism in a case of masterful revenge on Silas. Creator of the other side and around a class witch Qetsiyah fucked shit up but in the end, she found peace so is she all that bad?

Evilness rating: 6/10

The Heretics


Who: The Salvatore mom takes on the role of Fagan with a murderous group of Orphans

The Heretics were one of the biggest plot twists in TVD history, with the first witch/vampire hybrids headed up by Lily Salvatore. Before and after they leave their prison world the Heretics kill thousands of people including Stefan and Damon at some points. Their powers are legendary but then again they were no match for Rayna Cruz and the Mystic Falls crew.

Evilness rating: 6/10


The Travellers


Who: Homeless super-witches

Another group of ridiculously powerful witches the Travellers were set on making Mystic Falls their home. For a hot second, they looked like they’d finally be a worthy adversary shutting out all magical creatures from their hometown and leaving their world in the balance. That of course, was before Damon exploded them in the Grill.

Evilness rating: 7/10



Who: Inventor of the devilish grin

As a final season villain, you couldn’t do much better than the devil himself. Arcadius’ all powerful and often fiery temperant meant he was more than a match for the Salvatore Brothers. It’s unfortunate that he doesn’t last that long, after thousands of years of running hell that he couldn’t last more than a few months in Mystic Falls.

Evilness rating: 8/10


Rayna Cruz


Who: Buffy but with better hair

Vampire Diaries finally gets a decent slayer. After killed thousands of vampires including Stefan Salvatore (for a time) her presence motivates the whole season seven-time jump and for once there seems to be an actual threat from the other side of magic. With a pathological hatred for vampires and supernatural abilities, Cruz was more than a viable threat. Rayna also went out on her own terms in a way that still caused havoc for the vampires.

Evilness rating: 8/10



Malachai Parker


Who: Prison Break: 90s edition

Probably the best late edition to the Vampire Diaries, Malachai was the funniest psychopath ever to grace the streets of Mystic Falls. Jo’s twin sister, Malachai’s problems primarily came from him being a siphoner and feeling like an outcast. But murdering half his family and putting Elena in the comatose spell kind of makes his ending stuck in another prison world all that more satisfying.

Evilness rating: 8/10


The Originals 


Who: Mikaelson Family Values

Whether it’s Klaus, Elijah, Kol or  Rebeka the Mikaelson family had been fucking shit up since the 12th century. And they were easily able to ruin Salvatores’ lives for a couple of seasons whether it was creating hybrids or destroying the White Oak stake no one really did villainous as good or as stylishly as Klaus and his siblings. But a grudging respect formed between both gangs means they don’t quite get the top spot.

Evilness rating: 9/10

Katherina Petrova


Who: Bad bitch since 1473

Could it be anyone else? Katherine was the catalyst for pretty much everything that happened in the past seven years of TVD. We knew something as banal as hell couldn’t stop Katherine, it feels only natural that Katherine comes back in the final few episodes as the Queen of Hell

Evilness rating: 10/10


The Originals: Alaric to guest star

Season four of The Originals looks to be jam-packed when it premieres later this spring. Including Alaric Saltzman, former professor, turned hunter, turned Vampire, turned professor again who will be making an appearance in episode eight of the new series.

Alaric (played by Matthew Davis) will reportedly be using his expertise in the supernatural and magical artefacts to help Elijah fight a new threat befouling the Mikaelson family (can they ever catch a break?)

Not the first of the Vampire Diaries family too crossover to The Originals, the show has also seen guest appearances by Katherine (Nina Dobrev) Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino) and Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley)

And it apparently won’t be the last of the Vampire Diaries cast to make an appearance on its sister show. Julie Plec (Showrunner) has expressed a desire to see the cast crossover as Vampire Diaries ends this year and The Originals continues on.

What’s happening with Hope on The Originals?

When we left Season three of The Originals Hayley was getting the fuck out of dodge with her daughter Hope in the passenger seat in her baby carriage.

Now at comic-con, we got a sneak peek into season four of The Originals we know that Hope is a tween now and things are about to get a lot more complicated. We know season four of The Originals will take place within a five-year time jump with Klaus being trapped in Marcel desiccated vampires garden.

Julie Plec gave the scoop to Entertainment Weekly’s spoiler room about the prodigal daughter:

“This is a girl who has no real memories of her father, so we’ll be able to see what Hayley has done, if anything, to keep her aware of her father, who he is, and what the truth is about her life,”

In previous seasons there have been hints as to what exactly powers the daughter of a Werewolf and the Original vampire will be there’s no definitive answer just yet…

“We’ll see a young girl and see where she is with her own abilities. We’ll get to see father and daughter eventually reunited, two strangers coming together with so much in common. Theres some really special moments between them.”

Played by actress Summer Fontana, we’re super excited to see how the next season is going to happen.


Julie Plec says The Originals is going to get scarier…

Julie Plec sat down on Variety’s Podcast to talk about Vampire Diaries and the upcoming season of the Originals.

“We have sort of let our ‘horror flag’ fly in a way that we haven’t in the past,” Plec says after the third season went to some very dark places…

“A lot of the writers … are huge Stephen King fans and love the way that he can create an insidious, horrific energy without defining a singular monster at the top.” As a lot of the characters are villains in their own right.

Plec almost highlighted Steven King as a horror influence

“We’ve attacked this season from that point of view. How can we create a culture of fear within this New Orleans environment and then slowly over the course of a long run really identify the monster at large.”

The new season starts in January 2017 and we can’t wait to see it…

What did Joseph Morgan say about the new season of the Originals?

In a recent instagram video Joseph Morgan spilled the beans on what we can expect to see on the fourth and possibly final season of the CW’s vampire show The Originals.

In the video Morgan commented that:

“Someone will be betrayed. There will probably be a staking of some kind or another. Blood will flow. Enemies will become friends, friends will become enemies. Strange and new alliances will be formed.”

Grown-up Hope had also been seen on set, played by the adorable Summer Fontana, at the end of season three we saw Hayley take Hope away from New Orleans in order to give her the safety that Hayley never got growing up

However pictures released from set show them all in the woods, including Nathaniel Buzolic and Claire Holt are confirmed back for the first episode of the season what comes after that we don’t know…


The fourth season of The Originals arrives in early 2017, a 13 episode season leaving some fans to suspect that the CW wants both the Vampire Diaries and the Originals to end at the same time.