Nancy Drew Review: …It’s a TV Show

You ever buy pizza from a supermarket?

The cheese doesn’t cook right, the toppings aren’t spread out right and the base is kind of papery. And then there’s the bite, you sink your teeth in and what you get taste like pizza but it doesn’t hit the same way the pizza you’d order in would taste. But its a Wednesday night, you’re tired, works been crap and the weekend is still an age away so something that’s warm and carby with a whisper of flavour will do for now.

That’s how I feel about the new Nancy Drew TV show

Who the hell is Nancy Drew


A1GTPf9yV5LNancy Drew might not be a familiar name to the audience this new CW show is trying to court but then again that’s kind of the point. She was a girl detective in books as far back as the 1930s, she’s been through so many iterations in this time but the heart of the character has always been an inquisitive intelligent girl getting to the bottom of mysteries.

In a way she was ahead of her time, headstrong and active main character it’s easy to see why she had an enduring popularity that spanned over a 150 books, tv shows and movies.

She’s a pop culture touchstone at this point and the inspiration for many female detective characters although as we progressed as a culture you can kind of see how- like many characters who had their heyday in the 1950s- she was relatively twee for her target audience now

Why reboot Nancy


I vaguely remember a couple of years ago they were floating around a Nancy Drew pilot where she was a cop in New York city, this was after the success of the Sherlock Holmes reboots in both Elementary and Sherlock. Nancy seemed like a logical reboot character we’re living in an age of constant reboots so why has Nancy never been given the same courtesy.

The first Nancy Drew reboot was during the 1990s featuring Nancy Drew as a criminology student in New York city and lasted a season, there was another failed pilot in the late 80s and the aforementioned recent pilot. But Nancy Drew never really captured the TV viewing audience.

But then the age of the reboot really got underway, Fuller House,90210 X-Files, Twin Peaks everything is coming back. An element of history made you sit up and take notice, there’s some studies about the eternal nostalgia of millennials that makes shows that have a backing behind them do well. There are very few shows these days that are entirely original, without at least a novel or a comic book as their main hook even if said TV show is entirely different.

Which brings us to our guy Riverdale, the gritty reboot of the Archie comics is a full on success with a connected Sabrina series attached. Nancy Drew seems like an obvious addition, an easy update to 2019, what could go wrong?

Nancy Drew for the CW

So we get to the pilot and our girl detective is retired. After the death of her mother she hung up her magnifying glass and graduated high school. She’s now working in a diner in her tiny hometown stuck. She’s in a casual relationship with Ned Nickerson and her frenemy George is now her boss. Nancy Drew is depressed and repressed and going nowhere fast.

And even before we’ve got a mystery this is where we run into our first problem.

Nancy Drew was brilliant, annoyingly so, in every iteration of Sherlock we saw a total embracement of this behaviour even if it was dickish. These guys were brilliant and new it straight off the bat, here at every turn Nancy Drew is seen apologising for what she’s doing and what she’s figuring out.

But why is this show hitting like this? In my opinion they seem to be following what works from it’s kind of cousin show, Riverdale. But Riverdale works with Archie as a kind of bland leading character because the world is supposed to make up the colour in Nancy’s world she’s supposed to be the colour. Here she’s conflicted about her mother’s death and overall just stuck, if we don’t know her history then Nancy doesn’t seem interesting at all which brings me to my next point.

The Nancy before

Veronica Mars - 2014

Although there hasn’t been a proper Nancy Drew TV reboot in the last, a girl detective became part of the cultural lexicon in a way that would define the genre. Veronica Mars. A neo-noir interpretation of a high-school girl detective, Veronica Mars drew the inevitable, um, Nancy Drew connations and readily embraced them for the new century. This version of a girl detective was smart, sassy, funny and a little dark, Veronica Mars became a cultural touchstone in her own right. So did the creators of this show not want to copy their kind of not really predecessor? They left this version of Nancy broken and a little loss as she tried to find her way. would it have really been so terrible for this Nancy to embrace her power in the same way as Veronica, Sherlock or the original Nancy Drew?

The mystery

In this version of Nancy Drew the driving plot of the story is the murder of Tiffany Hudson at the diner where Nancy Drew works. Nancy, Georgia, Bess, Ned and Ace are all suspects in her death and Nancy and her gang must work to find the real culprit. At the same time we’re presented with a twenty year old murder of former Sea Queen (homecoming queen watevs) Dead Lucy who may or may not be haunting the town.

Now we encroach on my main issue with this show…

To say I’m a connoisseur of good TV would be a god dam lie I watched every episode of Pretty Little Liars after all. But I do like a good mystery and for a good mystery you need a good victim.

In this version of Nancy Drew our main murder victim is Tiffany Hudson- who to the best of my knowledge isn’t even a character from the series (if she is feel free to send me hate I deserve it) the spoilt wife of Ryan Hudson, a kind of shady character who seems relatively removed from Nancy’s life. The character herself is a bored, overtly fancy wife of a character named Ryan Hudson who seems to have more of a relation to the characters however even here we’re left hanging for information.

We see Tiffany Hudson for all of two minutes within the pilot, she’s a caricature of a spoilt rich woman and she has no effect on anyone’s life so we don’t feel especially bad when she dies. This isn’t the best opening to a mystery.

If you look at similar shows, from Twin Peaks, Riverdale to Pretty Little Liars and Veronica Mars, hell even Broadchurch the death or disappearance was felt throughout the community which is why a small town murder mystery works so well. Lauren Palmer, the dead prom queen, Jason Blossom, the brother of the popular girl, Pretty Little Liars; the popular girl and Lily Kane…it’s all the mystery of this person that we find appealing and it gives space for the characters to grow without an overtly critical eye because hey they’re uncovering a mystery.

Here there may be a smattering of motive to kill her but no one grieves this character, not even her husband, the town isn’t moved by this murder. We don’t care that she’s dead because no one else does.

Which is why I think it shoehorned a plot about a dead prom queen which would of worked for the main plot but adding a prologue and occasional reference to her just seems like forgotten emotional labour.

The flicker of a good show


I regret not using Nancy Drew book puns as subtitles, if you’re writing something similar please Dm me and we will brainstorm.


This frozen pizza of a show does have some good points. Mainly acting, int his show mainly take place in one or two locations without much call for action leading the bulk of the interest to fall on the dialogue and the four main actors do a fantastic job. There’s genuinely chemistry between them and the campy, sarcastic and fun version of this show seems apparent when the four of them are together in the diner. I would hit the guys who play Ace and Bess as standouts.

It’s also a very slick TV show, it’s gorgeous to watch with a great colour palette and even though there seems to be only a few locations but everything about them is beautiful and it’s genuinely nice to watch.

I will keep watching, mainly because I’m a goblin with no tastebuds but also I want to see how this story progresses and how they cultivate those initial hurdles. There are some big names behind this show so I doubt my issues are just growing pains but rather integral points of the show as a whole.

Let me know what you think or what I got wrong in the comments down below…

Black Lightning​ to bring reality to CW hero shows

The arrival of Black Lightning in the fall brings a fresh new look at the superhero genre. As Jefferson Pierce, retired superhero and current High Principal wrestles with his own heroism and his superpowers as a gang encroaches on his family life.

It’s completely different dynamic from the millenial rom-com superhero styles of Supergirl and The Flash.

Black Lightning’s villians  will not neccessarily be of the ‘super’ variety we’ve come to know in these shows.

Salim Akil, one of the executive producers hinted “Our villains are not necessarily aliens or other people with superpowers, they’re the villains that we know every day,” Black Lightning as a show will also apparently be veering off ‘hero of the week’ motif typical of superhero and into longer character arcs and mirroring real world issues.

“There’s a problem with police brutality and we will get into that. There’s also a problem with us killing each other,”

Coming at the tulmutous time in the world Black Lightning has the potential to be stand out TV show for the CW or it could go the Bionic Woman, What do you think?

The Originals is ending in it’s fifth season

The Originals wrap up in it’s fifth and final season in a statement confirmed through Julie Pec’s twitter today. The Vampire Diaires spin off show about the Mikaelson family as they fought werewolves, witches and sire lines in New Orleans.

Preimering in 2013, the show regularly crossed over with The Vampire Diaires as many fans ‘shipped’ Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes together it’s been theorised that her cameo in the season five priemere will be the start of fully-fledged relationship between the two.

The end of The Originals does also signify the end of vampire TV from that weird period of time when everyone on our screen had fangs 

So are you sad to see the show go or is it time for something new for the CW


Supergirl ‘City of Lost Children’ Review

As Rhea’s big plan is finally revealed Terri Hatcher’s evil alien queen is disappointing when it comes to villainy. But by taking off the real estate off ‘alien of the week’ Supergirl finally feels emotionally resonate again.

James Olsen finally gets a storyline this week as he comes to terms with Guardian and how people perceive him. Someone should have told him superheroing is 95% marketing (I’m looking at you Antman)

When a telekinetic alien is manipulated into causing a terrorist attack on the city  James finds himself in the centre of it all as he bounds with her child and plants himself in the middle of a DEO investigation.

The lack of James Olsen throughout the main body of season 2 has been one of the more disappointing arcs of Supergirl. James Olsen and Catco were supposed to be Supergirl’s anchors to the real world she’s supposed to be protecting and giving James the whole Guardian storyline just felt like an easy out to get him off screen.

However, the whole thing is seemingly wasting such an iconic comic book character and the acting abilities of Mechad Brookes who brings a lot to the more emotional moments of this especially working with the young actor playing Marcus.

The other part of the Supergirl storyline centres of Lena Luthor and Rhea (Daxam?) as the two work together on a transmitter for Rhea’s ship the electrodes are messing with the telekinetic alien’s powers and causing mayhem.

Lena however, is blissfully unaware of the damage her creation is causing, Rhea manages to play on the youngest Luthor’s mommy issues manipulating her into fixing her transmitter and thus messing with a whole heap of telekinesis aliens.

As James is the one to save the day and for the first time pulling Marcus out of the elec-trance, ‘A hero without a suit’ Winn states at the end which is sort of the whole point of the episode, it feels a little awkward to have it pointed out so clearly.

Cheesy, but it is a show about superheroes so I’ll let them off.

The episode also has a nice moment of development for Mon-El as he takes on his mother (We’re not bulletproof on this planet) with a gun to her head, Rhea again uses her superpowered mommy manipulation getting him to put the gun down and she reveals a masterplan…

She’s not trying to get home she’s bringing the alien invasion to earth claiming a New Daxam…

So what did you think of this episode? Is this how you pictured going into the finale?

We’ve got two episodes till the end of season 2 and it looks like Cat Grant is back to kick some ass in the alien invasion, there are also rumours of a wedding in the finale episode, who do you think it’ll be.

Watch the trailer for ‘Resist’ right here


Supergirl: Cat Grant returns

Supergirl looks set to be bringing back Cat Grant at the end of season two.

With EW reporting she’ll be showing up in the final two episodes there is no current word on any permanent return.

Cat Grant, the owner of Catco Media and Kara Danvers boss became something of a fan favorite through the first season for her quippy one-liners and cutting commentary.

Calista Flockhart left the show on a full-time basis at the beginning of season two following it’s move to the CW.  Although she did leave the door open for return, we hope she continues to pop up in season three.

Riverdale: Camila Mendes talks Veronica’s dark past

With her criminally good fashion sense and cutting one-liners, Veronica Lodge has fast become a fan favorite of Riverdale.

As a fallen New York it girl turned small town new girl Veronica Lodge’s witty commentary and family drama have been hiding more.

In a recent interview with Latina Camila Mendes touched on the underlying issue surrounding the Miss Lodge.

She definitely has a dark past. I don’t think we’re necessarily going to be exploring that in full detail this season, but we do touch a little bit on her bullying past. I think what she’s dealing with more is her parents and her heritage. Or not her heritage but like her roots and the idea that her family – they’re rooted in this corruption. That’s making Veronica question her own identity and re-evaluate her life

Riverdale being the 22-year-old NYU grad’s first IMBD credit (although she’s been acting since pre-teens)

Camila Mendes looks to be the breakout star of the CW show.

We can’t wait to see more of her.

Legends of Tomorrow: Have we seen the last of Rip Hunter

As Legends of Tomorrow finished up its second season last week we’re left with a million questions.

What happens now Amaya’s part of the team?

Is the Legion of Doom gone for good?

Why are there, you know, dinosaurs in L.A?

All these questions and more are probably going to be answered with the next season of the CW show but we urgently need to know whether or not Rip Hunter is coming back for the next season.

Marc Guggenheim, Legends of Tomorrow showrunner recently told EW Radio that Rip will be returning but “In a different capacity than him being a member of the team.”

Arthur Darvill’s Time Master character, Rip Hunter had quite a season of ups and down, going from memory wiped film student to evil Rip to weird romantic relationship with Waverider computer Gideon.

So how do you think Rip will be incorporated into season three of the show? Do you still want him around?


Legends of Tomorrow ‘Aruba’ Review

Legends of Tomorrow does finale with all the weirdness, drama and epicness that we’ve come to expect from season two of the Arrow-verse show.

As the Legends escape the new timeline in a now full-sized waverider back to 1916 in order to destroy the Spear of Destiny. Crossing over your own time stream has been one of the first rules of time travel

It seems like it’s staple of the time travel show/movie to completely disregard the rules, the Legends very quickly come face to face with their former selves before the alternate reality as they quite rightly feel a little wary of their dopplegangers.

In terms of CW shows the Legion v Legends battle was all kinds of crazy as the show went very dark with death scene after death scene. Although it was established almost immediately in the episode that alternate-Legends weren’t getting out of this alive.

The spear ended up in the hands of Sara in the end, culminating her season long battle against the darkness she felt inside of her as well as the grief she felt for her sister. And in a welcome return to the Arrow Verse Kate Cassidy’s appearance as Laurel in the dream sequence feels especially heart breaking.

Sara choosing to depower the spear instead of make her own reality showed she’s the captain they desperately need. And Eobard being killed by half-mouth Flash in a fitting moment that once again finishes a story started in the first few episodes.

Things are put right with Dahrk being put inhis right moment in his time line, Mick Rory sending Snart to 2014, Mick’s final acceptance he’s part of the team feels sweet and like Mick has finally enjoyed his moment and hopes to go to Aruba.

The show ends with the after effects of a time storm and sadly Mick doesn’t get to go to Aruba…

What can I say, I love this show! With it’s Goonies references and dinosaur ending season two ended on a high note for me and I’m excited to see the show come back next season with more of the same.

Riverdale ‘The Outsiders’ Review

Alternate episode title:

Building sites and baby showers

Riverdale returned to our screens last night and the teen noir examining the intricacies of small town life, some sweet and some disturbing.

The appearance of Polly Cooper changes the dynamics in Riverdale. Now the eldest Cooper is living with the Lodges Veronica decides to fix everything by throwing a baby shower.

Noticeably the family casting for the Coopers is A+ and as a lot of the Cooper family dynamics are explored within the episode I can’t help but feel the show is rolling up to a big reveal where all the small comments and insults thrown around begin to make sense.

Meanwhile, the guys from Fred Andrew’s building site leave as Mr. Blossom offers them a better deal. So the most logical course of action is to hire a bunch of teenagers. I don’t know shit about construction but I’m pretty sure that’s fifty types of illegal.

But Archie is in his fuck-boy redemption arc is helping his dad and when some thugs come to the worksite and beat the shit out of Moose he decides he’s going to get revenge.

The whole thing with the Southside Serpents is just proving to be very confusing at the moment as we don’t really know what is going on with them even as Archie walks into the lion’s den…

In the first half of the episode, we learn that the Southside Serpents were dealing drugs and Jason Blossom was involved in that. In the second half of the episode, we learn that Archie doesn’t know Jughead’s dad is their leader and Jughead didn’t know they were dealing drugs and that Fred might have known Jughead’s dad was the leader… I don’t know.

Andrews and Jones snr. hash it out, it’s a vaguely lovely moment realizing that not all Riverdale parents are trash (for at least a solid five minutes anyway)

Following a particularly dramatic baby shower, the moment between Mr. and Mrs. Cooper is superbly acted and once again leaves us with the impression the Blossoms might be a little more than just kooky.

Mächen Amick is really the standout of the episode as we begin to see the cold visage of type A, Stepford mom that has been crowding the Cooper daughters for the past eight episodes. The scene with just Betty and Mrs Cooper alone in the blue-washed house is especially heartbreaking. Honestly, the way a lot of this episode is shot is really beautiful. it sounds condescending to say ‘for a CW show’ but just the amount of thought put into every shot isn’t typical for this kind of show and is really appreciated.

Polly ends up moving in with the Blossoms in their creepy mansion on the hill. A weird choice for anyone that’s seen any horror movie ever, but you do you girl. If spoilers are to be believed then the cultish aspects surrounding the Blossom family are going to be kicked into high gear next week…

Supergirl ‘Distant Sun’ Review

Kara is still funemployed and happily reunited with Mon-El after the Flash episode last week. Although this probably quite jarring for exclusive Supergirl viewers and now the relationship walks that fine line between cute and sickly sweet. More or less saved by Wood and Benoist’s charming chemistry, Mon-El and Kara are the becoming one of the pillars of the show.

Whether you like or not.

Alex and Maggie explore the finer points of their relationship with the arrival of Maggie’s ex-girlfriend. Possibly due to the fact most of their problems are less of an alien variety the Alex and Maggie relationship feels a little more grounded in reality.

I mean sure it turns out Maggie cheated but at least her parents aren’t trying to get her killed by alien bounty hunters.

As half the episode focuses on the alien dark web and the bounty placed on Kara’s head, I’m kind of disappointed that this wasn’t the whole episode. It seemed like it was just touched on there was this evil alien internet and then most of the action turned to Daxam.

Please give me alien Facebook.

President Wonderwoman  also makes another appearance, informing J’onn that he shouldn’t engage the ship. The President’s apparent alienness continues to go unexplained although I suspect some sort of showdown in the near future.  Possibly between Marsdin and Rhea…

I’m here for it tbh.

Mon-El returns to his parent’s ship with his mother unveiling she was actually responsible for the bounty. Teri Hatcher plays evil mom pretty well and she’s genuinely enjoyable in the role.

As King Lar Gand begins to understand why his son wants to stay on the planet Rhea would rather lock up her son and force him into being the prince he once was. In a way, seeing the unrelenting cruelty of his mother shows how far Mon-El has come as a person although I hope a lot of the rest of the story isn’t centered around Mon-El character rehabilitation.

Staging a rescue and fitting in a Star Wars reference it’s good to see both J’onn and Winn as integral parts of the team. Actually, if the writers want a likable Mon-El I think they need to focus on the bromance a little more cos it was awesome.

Rhea ends the episode going all out super villainy by murdering her husband and ominously staring down at the planet. It looks to be that at least the next episode will be a Lena centered one as Supergirl goes on hiatus for the next month I will be taking suggestions for other Tuesday reviews, in the meantime, you can watch the teaser for the next episode right here…