Freeform brings Cloak And Dagger to life

The first trailer for Freeform’s Cloak and Dagger has hit the internet and is already gaining fans.

Over a million views already the trailer gives us our first look into Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen’s origin as superheroes Cloak and Dagger.

With Tyrone ‘Cloak’ developing the powers of the darkforce dimension including teleportion and Tandy ‘Dagger’ who can create daggers of light.

Starring Aubrey Joseph and Olivia Holt in the titular roles
Coming 2018 Cloak and Dagger will be Freeform’s first foray into the superhero genre…

Legends of Tomorrow: Have we seen the last of Rip Hunter

As Legends of Tomorrow finished up its second season last week we’re left with a million questions.

What happens now Amaya’s part of the team?

Is the Legion of Doom gone for good?

Why are there, you know, dinosaurs in L.A?

All these questions and more are probably going to be answered with the next season of the CW show but we urgently need to know whether or not Rip Hunter is coming back for the next season.

Marc Guggenheim, Legends of Tomorrow showrunner recently told EW Radio that Rip will be returning but “In a different capacity than him being a member of the team.”

Arthur Darvill’s Time Master character, Rip Hunter had quite a season of ups and down, going from memory wiped film student to evil Rip to weird romantic relationship with Waverider computer Gideon.

So how do you think Rip will be incorporated into season three of the show? Do you still want him around?


Spiderman’s Venom movie is happening

Spiderman’s arch nemesis looks set to be getting his very own movie as a completely separate entity from the Marvel franchise.

The new movie will follow the antihero/villain in an R-rated feature, will not feature the innocent looking Tom Holland. The British actor recently took up the mantle of Spiderman in the Captain America: Civil War and will be featuring in his own movie Spiderman: Homecoming.

Making his first appearance in the comic book world in 1998, the sentient alien goo originally bonded with Spiderman himself and then proceeded to be hosted by Eddie Brock, Flash Thompson, and even Deadpool.

Although not much is known about the script, Eddie Brock’s version of the antagonist has proved to be a fan favorite.

Sony studios set the movie for a December 2018 release and it seems to be wrapped in more mystery than your average comic book movie. So what do you think? Do you have any casting ideas?


Defenders trailer & release date announced

The culmination of the Marvel, Netflix crossover is set to launch on Friday, August 18th.

As Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Daredevil and Iron Fist team up to become The Defenders. The trailer shows our team in an elevator, looking to be mid-battle with Daredevil dressed in an Iron Fist like attire. Jessica Jones then proceeds to use her super-strength to wreck the CCTV camera.

Defenders look to finish this cycle of Netflix, Marvel dramas and after The Defenders premieres this summer we’ll be getting season two Jessica Jones and The Punisher spin-off before the year is out.

Wynonna Earp, season two trailer drops

Wynonna Earp, the marvelous modern day feminist western about the descendant of Wyatt Earp officially premiered their second season trailer today.

In the 1:30 second trailer a whole mess of things happen including a gun battle, Doc bare-knuckle wrestling, and Waverly + Haught getting to some next level of their relationship.

The second offering from the comic book adaptation had slowly been gaining a cult following for the past season and will no doubt continue it for the next season at least.

With the Distant Cousins playing the trailer Wynonna Earp is definitely the coolest chick on the syfy network. But are you excited by the new trailer? Do you think Wynonna will get through the season?

Deadpool: Janelle Monae for Domino?

Janelle Monae, a woman of many talents but is ass kicking one of them?

The new teaser for Deadpool 2 screened before the smash-hit Logan movie and excitement for the next R rating sequel has never been higher.

As casting rumors circulate it looks like actress/singer/style icon extraordinaire Janelle Monae looks to be a front-runner for new character Domino.

Real name Neena Thurman Domino is a genetically engineered mutant with telekinetic abilities and trained in weaponry, it’s not known what part she’ll play in the Deadpool 2 but it’s rumored she could be a returning character.

So what do you think? Are you excited for the new Deadpool? Do you think Domino will be friend or foe?

The Flash ‘The Wrath of Savitar’

The Flash’s ability to tone-shift between rom-com and dark drama is probably best exemplified in this week’s episode ‘ The Wrath of Savitar’

With Iris’ oncoming death hanging over the heads of all the speedsters, Barry Jessie and  Wally begin training in order to save her.

Not before Iris and Barry announce their engagement to the Star gang. Everyone is super happy for the couple, which are nearly four seasons in the making. Joe’s a little uncomfortable that Barry didn’t ask permission but Barry is a little too preoccupied trying to change the future so the Savitar future he’s seen won’t happen.

And Savitar begins to haunt Wally with visions of his mother, it’s one of the most emotional scenes in a pretty raw episode. In fact, Wally’s whole arc for this episode just feels tragic.

As Wally is vibed into the future he discovers Barry’s secret reason for proposing going off at him in the lab and calling Barry out for his double standards in his own plot.

The whole episode feels very strange, maybe a set-up for something to come in the future as the group feels like it’s breaking into fractions.

Isn’t it pretty obvious that Savitar is future Barry Allen at this point? In some weird suicidal villain origin story. I don’t know if there are comic-book bookies out there but please get in contact I’d like to make a very large bet.

Especially when Savitar is speaking through Julian even at one point he says ‘I am the future Flash’ (foreshadowing or unfortunate wording)

But Savitar convinces Wally to throw the rest of the Philosophers Stone into the speed force and he manages to exchange Wally for himself and thus enacting the ‘fate worse than death’ part of the prophecy.

The emotional end to the episode packs a punch for The Flash and for the whole gang, including a very sweet moment between H.G. and Jessie. And even if Barry doesn’t turn out to be Savitar there’s a pretty prominent shift in his emotions as he becomes so focused on saving Iris he’s beginning to sacrifice his own ethics in place of it.

It’ll be interesting see how the work the next musical episode into this as the crossover next week.

Supergirl ‘Exodus’ Review

From its opening scenes, Exodus draws up its battle lines in one of the strongest episodes of Supergirl yet.

With the original Superman being an allegory for Jewish immigrants it seems only natural that Supergirl should explore the idea of alien immigrants.

As a sweetly nerdy family are abducted in the middle of the countryside by Cadmus the stakes have never been higher. It’s the pay off for a mounting season long threat that mirrors what’s going in the world at the moment and asks us to look at it with a compassionate perspective.

It’s safe to say that the past few episodes haven’t been Supergirl’s strongest but Exodus felt like a natural point for both personal and professional lives of the Danver’s sisters.

This is really an episode where Alex Danvers shines as emotionally conflicted and volatile as her father’s betrayal counteracts everything she knows. In one particularly tortuous scene J’onn- disguised as Jeremiah- tests Alex’s alliance and as she fails disastrously she’s suspended from the DEO.

Meanwhile, Kara desperately wants to get the word out about the alien registry, Snapper is tentative at best when she claims that Supergirl confirmed the story. He points out that one primary source and no confirmation of the government black-site isn’t enough to make an accurate story, coincidentally citing fake news as his excuse.

It’s primarily a story about the conflicts of interest that make double identities of both sisters, leading Alex to go rogue in order to find Cadmus and Maggie solidifies herself as the best romantic partner with her ‘ride or die’ attitude.

At Cadmus, Alex really comes into her own placing bombs all around the site and winning a game of chicken with Momma Luther. It’s a world away from the straight-laced agent we saw at the start of Supergirl and in one of the more powerful scenes in the episode Alex chooses to get in the ship sending all the aliens away in an attempt to stop it.

Supergirl saving the day, was of course, inevitable but the cinematic hand on the glass moment proved to be one of the more touching moments on TV this week.

Real consequences were finally given but not in the way I suspected, Kara loses her job for irresponsible journalism and creating her own opposing website. Although I don’t doubt this will be reversed in some upcoming episode having Kara work out what a jobless human life looks like will be fun.

The teaser at the end of the trailer saw two aliens in a ginormous spaceship, dress in royal garb maybe next week Mon-El’s princely secret will finally be revealed….

Riverdale ‘Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!’ Review

Riverdale has slowly been ticking off its high school tropes in the past few episodes, we’ve had dances, we’ve had football games, we’ve had the very overused trope of high school music teacher sleeping with a student then turning out to be someone that stole the real Ms. Grundy identity.

Now we’ve got the school talent show and a Josie centric episode to boot. Tonally this episode is worlds away from the gothic horror of the previous episode moreover no one seems to notice that Cheryl Blossom got sent away to a boarding school last episode.

Josie’s has been something of a type-a enigma for most of the season, always there with purfect performance or a biting one-liner. This episode we learn her father is a jazz musician and kind of a massive douche, looking down on his daughter’s pop aspirations. This mixed with her mother’s pushy attitude we begin to see how Josie’s facade is built via mounting pressure no teen should have to worry about.

We see how this pressure leads her to fight with the very lovely Val after she agrees to sing with Archie due to his stage fright.

This leads us to Archie who seems to be the most disconnected main character on television as the main meat of the Riverdale story which is the Jason Blossom murder. The significant disconnect this week is when he asks Veronica to help with his performance before replacing her with Val with little regard for anyone’s feelings.

Thus bringing us once again to my theory that Riverdale might just be the origin story for Archie Andrews, the fuckboy.

In retaliation, Veronica decides to join the Pussycats as they begin to work on a Donna Summer cover in order to impress Josie’s real shitty dad.

Although talent show drama isn’t the only thing going on this week, Jughead and Betty delve deeper into the Jason Blossom case and finally go talk with Polly who has been sent to a convent. Now as we all suspected Betty reunites with her sister who’s pregnant (come on, why else do you send your teenager to a nunnery.) She talks about how she and Jason were going to run away that fourth of July weekend before Mrs Cooper had her taken away. Polly goes on to explain they had a car stashed away and exactly where Betty can find it.

The whole Cooper storyline just seems macabre, in a suburban horror movie-like way. Tossing your kid into a convent when you can’t control them anymore and manipulating your other daughter into submission. A part of me is willing to bet that one or more Coopers killed Jason.

Although the Coopers aren’t the only shifty parents in Riverdale, Hermoine Lodge restarts things with Mr Andrews much to Veronica’s chagrin. With her dad locked up in jail, she’s less than impressed when Hermoine tries to make her sign some developing contract over to Mr Andrews and decides to forge her daughter’s signature anyway.

If Riverdale is planning on doing a murder a season I suspect that the next one is going to be one of the parents in a vigilante justice motif.

After the making up and the breaking up, Val rejoins the Pussycats for a wonderful rendition of Feel Love and then proceeds to leave halfway through.

Seriously, dude you fly out and miss three concerts, give your sixteen-year-old daughter grief for not doing ‘real music’ and then leave halfway through a three-minute song. Asshole.

But this is also the episode where everyone gets coupled up, Val and Archie kiss and Jughead and Betty also kiss. I don’t hate either pairing but I do think that Val probably deserves someone a lil better unless Archie steps his game up.

Towards the end Jughead and Betty find the car Polly was talking about and do the responsible thing of taking pictures of the evidence and going immediately to the authorities (Pretty Little Liars girls take note!) Because when they get back it’s up in smoke which could mean whoever killed Jason followed them to the car and knew it’d be incriminating.

Overall I don’t think this was the best episode of Riverdale, I think we’ve got better to come but it was a great balance of the high school world mixed with the mystery and the parent’s douchebaggery.

And you can check out the trailer for next weeks episode right here: